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The Best Back To School Advice for Parents

Writer's picture: Jeff HodgesJeff Hodges

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

It's that time of year again, back to school. A time of year that some rejoice over and others dread. It's getting back into the swing of things, back to practices, rehearsals, and homework. For many of us this new season is refreshing. I love how organized and scheduled life can be after a summer of what are we going to do with the kiddos today. I know what our days and evenings will look like. Our oldest is back in PreK and couldn't be more excited to be back with friends and teachers. But for some of your kids (or you) there is a big worry of school starting up. Will I like my classes? Is my teacher who I hoped for? Am I going to have to deal with being bullied again? What will my peers think of my new haircut? Am I finally going to find some friends to eat lunch with?

As a parent this is hard, you want the best for your kids and it may feel like you can't control any of this. But isn't this the perfect reminder of how we must trust God with our worries and our children. He wants us to know He is in control and though this is easier at times, it is always true. If that is constantly on our minds, I think we would be more at peace with this new season of life.

Maybe like me you love to hear advice from people that have been there before, or experts in that field. So how about some back to school advice!

The internet is all about advice for everything and back to school is nothing short of that. Here's some great things I've found in my research.

You don't have to be best friends with everyone, but you can and should be kind (Christian Parenting). Kindness goes a long way and you never know what a kid is dealing with at home. So share with your kids to just be kind. A smile can go a long way. Or including kids in lunch or projects can really make someone's day, even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to you.

Remind your kids that if they follow Jesus, God's power is in them (Lifeway). What a refreshing reminder to give your kids, that God is with them during these new days of school.

Send some love to school (CBN) I love this so much! It's so much fun to get a note in your lunchbox whether you're 6 or 60. So no matter how crazy the morning is or how bad of a mood you or they are in, having a sweet note (or drawing) in their lunch or backpack is the perfect way to show them that you care about them and want the best for their school day. Maybe this advice is exactly what you needed or maybe it's things you've heard before.

But hear this advice, pray. Pray with your kids on the way to school, pray for them while they are at school, pray before bed. Prayer is so powerful and God invites us to make that a key part of our daily lives. I was pointed to this prayer by Kayla Craig during our staff meeting this week and I think it's the perfect way to kickoff another school year.

O Father. You alone can hold our every anxiety,

About our children's futures

As we wonder what's to come and what will become

Of our children, and of us.

O Spirit, You alone hold our families and their futures.

You alone hold together the material and immaterial,

Every dusty backpack, each worried heart

Is held together by Your great love.

O Jesus Christ, You alone welcomed the little children

In the face of adults set on posturing.

Give those committed to working in education

Compassion & courage to lead in a way

That benefits all Your little ones.

Give teachers renewed energy

To face ever-changing challenges with creativity & imagination.

Give parents who are raising kids with extra needs

Wisdom for right now and hope for tomorrow.

O Triune God, to You alone we pray for

Clarity that leads to access

To safe & equitable educations

For Your beloved children,

Each and every one of them.


Jeff Hodges

Youth Pastor

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